Photo - Reviews

Reviews and overviews of mid/high segment cameras, lenses, software and other photographic stuff.
On September 22nd 2009, Adobe has published first beta of Lightroom version 3 (RAW development and photo archiving).
Let''s have a look in detail at this beta.
The good news
Library module
- restyling of the import module with some more intuitive layout (not a bigh deal) and with import presets that can be defined and reused (and this is good);
- a new catalog structure to be able to better handle large catalogs (details are not disclosed so far);
- Referenced brands in this article: Adobe
On 21st of July Raw Therapee 2.4 has been released.
Raw Therapee ( is an open source (donation are appreciated of course) software for RAW development.
The 2.x versions are a big step forward with respect to version 1.x in terms of usability and some features (already included in version 1.x) are particularly interesting, especially how the RAW data are handled, achieving results in some areas better than most of other RAW converters, included the popular Adobe Camera Raw. Let's see.
Pentax has announced the new mid-range DSLR: K-7, let's say an evolution of K20D.
Here are the noticeable aspects of the new model:
- video: nowadays it is mandatory (given the competition) to include video shooting capabilities. There are three video resolutions are offered: 640x416 or 1536x1024 (these have standard 3:2 aspect ratio of 35mm film, so not the classical VGA standard of 640x480) and an HD mode at 1280x720 with a 16:9 aspect ratio. The frame rate is 30 frames/sec for all video modes. Very interestingly, a socket for an external microphone is provided (it costs little but few models provide that).
- Referenced brands in this article: Pentax
On October 15th 2008, Phase One has released Capture ONE PRO version 4.
Capture ONE comes in two versions: "normal" and PRO.
- Referenced brands in this article: Adobe, Phase One
After some days of teaser appearing on its website announcing a great new camera, finally Canon has announced the new full frame camera: 5D Mark II, a new version of the mid/high range 5D model launched in August 2005.
The list of additions and enhancements is quite impressive. Let's see.
- Referenced brands in this article: Canon
On Sept. 9th, Sony has announced a full frame DSLR Alpha 900, a pro model that with a good price will try to push Sony as an attractive chance into the pro-DSLR market (remember that Sony acquired Minolta).
The new camera offers an astonishing 24 Megapixels resolution (the new sensor was announced last January), but since the sensor is large, we don't expect the typical challenge in raising pixel counts (increased noise and reduced dynamic range).
- Referenced brands in this article: Sony
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