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Some news from the site and from the digital photography world.
Photoshop CS4 and its "brothers" in the Creative Suite 4 product family is available, though not yet for all supported languages.
The new version offers improved performance, new tabbed interface, the new non destructive tools available in Lightroom v2 (like local corrections), smart resize that can preserve objects (see more information on the CS4 announcement news here).
- Referenced brands in this article: Adobe
Last Wednesday (October 15th 2008), Phase One, that also produces medium format Ddigital camera bodies, has released the version 4 PRO of its professional RAW editing software: Capture ONE 4 PRO.
The new version includes the following main features or enhancements:
- lens correction tool to reduce chromatic aberrations and fringing, as well as distorsions and vignetting;
- new skin tone tool useful to set color balance for skin;
- improved Styles palette and Color Editor for easier fine tuning of colors and with possibility of saving presents.
Discover the differences between Capture ONE basic and PRO and a brief comparison with Lightroom and Photoshop in our article here.
- Referenced brands in this article: Phase One
Yesterday we launched the LightPoint newsletter for all registered members, with comments on what happened in the last period.
If anyone wants to receive it, just register in the site: it's free!
Yesterday IDImager version 4.2 has been released.
IDImager is one of the richest (if not the richest one) DAM software available (software for photos cataloguing) and the new update adds some interesting enhancements, among them the most important are the following:
Adobe today released version 4.6 of Adobe Camera Raw (RAW engine for Photoshop CS3).
The new version adds support for 15 new cameras. A beta version was already available in the Lightroom 2.1 beta.
Link to the ACR and DNG Converter here.
- Referenced brands in this article: Adobe
Breeze Systems has announced the immediate availability of the new version of its Windows-based browsing and RAW development software: Breeze Browser Pro 1.9.
Main additions are
- advanced support for geographical tagging reading information from GPS EXIF info in the image (when camera writes GPS info) or interacting with GoogleEarth.
- support for newest cameras - Canon EOS 1000D/Rebel XS, Nikon D60, Nikon D700. Interesting the display of focus point that is typically a proprietary encoded information, so not easily shown on third-party software - e.g. Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom do not show them.
Official announcement from Breeze Systems available here.