
You are here: Home » Photography » Blog » Olympus E-620 announced

Olympus has announced the new upper entry-level DSLR model: E-620, inheriting many features form the E-30 and with a body about the size of the E-420.

It seems very interesting, featuring things like:

  • a 12.3 Megapixel sensor;
  • in-body image stabilization;
  • 2.7" tilt and swivel LCD (very good!)
  • Shadow Adjustment Technology
  • a selection of Art Filters (from E-30)
  • Multiple Exposure mode (like we had in many film SLR models)

Also an underwater case will be offered as an optional.

Initial pricing should be around 700 $ in the US with kit lens (14-42 mm).

  • Referenced brands in this article: Olympus