Fujifilm X-T3: specifications and reviews
[[span class='fa']][[/span]] Camera
General characteristics
[[a href="/en/photo/cameras/2204-fujifilm-x-t4"]]Fujifilm X-T4[[/a]]
One time
Fujifilm X-T3 | |
Mirrorless | |
2018-09-05 | |
No | |
€ 1530 | |
$ 1500+VAT | |
539 gr. | |
133 mm. | |
93 mm. | |
59 mm. | |
26 | |
APS-C | |
23.5 mm. | |
15.6 mm. | |
1.53 | |
3:2 | |
No | |
No | |
160 | |
12800 | |
425 | |
Embedded, full | |
Yes | |
Mechanical and Electronic | |
11.0 frame/sec. | |
30.0 frame/sec. | |
11.0 frame/sec. | |
35 | |
60 | |
1/32000 sec. | |
1/8000 sec. | |
1/250 sec. | |
390 shots | |
30 fps with 1.25x crop | |
Electronic (EVF) | |
100% | |
0.50x (35mm. equiv) | |
3.69 million | |
3.0 in. | |
1.04 megapixel | |
Tiltable less than 180° | |
Settings, Tap to focus | |
Yes | |
Full HD @ 24/25/30p, Full HD @ 50/60p, Full HD @ 100/120p, 4k @ 24/25/30p, 4K @ 50/60p | |
1.00 | |
H.264, H.265 | |
4:2:2 at 10 bit | |
4K/60p movie for max 6 minutes | |
Yes | |
Yes | |
No | |
No | |
Yes | |
Microphone, Phones, HDMI, USB3, Power, USB-C, External flash | |
Dual slot, SD, SD UHS-II | |
WiFi, Bluetooth |
Useful Links
- DPReview
As a stills camera the X-T3 is a pleasant update to one of our favorite APS-C cameras, significantly improving the autofocus. If you're interesting in stills and video, though, it's knockout. The lack of stabilization holds the video back a touch but as a compact, relatively affordable do-everything camera, it's impressive. - Imaging Resource
It is a very impressive, very well-rounded camera, for both photos and video. Despite its stylish exterior, the X-T3 is a serious camera with serious image quality and performance capabilities -- and all for one seriously excellent price point. The image quality is fantastic at low and higher ISOs and is one of the best APS-C cameras we've ever come across in this regard. - Dustin Abbott
It is, quite simply, the most versatile, well-rounded APS-C camera of any type that I’ve ever seen…mirrorless or otherwise. [...] The X-T3 has a great focus system, excellent image quality, strong sensor performance, and impressive frame rates both for action shooting and for filming. I’ve got only one serious complaint, and that is Fuji’s choice to not include IBIS (In-Body-Image-Stabilization). - Photo District News
PROS: Strong still and video image quality; excellent design; tenacious autofocusing; enhanced face and eye tracking; dual card slots; improved dynamic range.
CONS: No in-body stabilization.
HD Blog.it [[strong]][[/strong]]
È una mirrorless ambiziosa sia nel comparto fotografico che in quello video: una camera adatta a fotografi e videomaker, che si apre ad un mercato di professionisti che non vogliono scendere a compromessi. Nonostante ciò, presenta ancora alcune limitazioni che le impediscono di essere perfetta soprattutto in condizioni di scarsa luminosità, restringendone così il campo di utilizzo.Tomshardware [[strong]]9[[/strong]]/10
L’insieme delle caratteristiche sviluppate in poco più di due anni che separano la X-T3 dalla X-T2, unito all'elevato standard qualitativo cui Fujifilm ci ha abituati, consentono all’ultima mirrorless APS-C del costruttore giapponese di offrire i migliori risultati mai ottenuti finora da una fotocamera della Serie X, sia nel comparto foto che video.