Logo image of Tokina

Tokina information and a brief history
Tokina is a Japanese company that manufactures lenses for cameras and closed circuit TV. It was founded by a former Nikon engineer and had to quickly suspend operations for the Pacific military conflict but was resumed in 1959.
In 1994 the company was absorbed by Kenko while preserving the Tokina brand.
From 2004 started selling lenses for digital cameras.
[[h2 id="tokina-lens-abbreviations"]]Tokina lens abbreviations[[/h2]]
- AF: Auto-Focus
- AT-X Pro: professional line (constant aperture zooms or primes).
- AT-X: consumer line.
- DX: for APS-C sized cameras.
- FE: with a Floating Element as a lens or group of lenses.
- FF: Full Frame.
- FX: Full frame.
- SD: with one or more Super Low Dispersion lenses.